5.25 Running Exachk in Oracle VM Environments

Exachk version and higher supports virtualization on Oracle Exadata.

To perform the complete set of Exachk audit checks in an Oracle Exadata Oracle VM environment, Exachk must be installed in and run from multiple locations, as follows:

  • From one management domain (dom0)

  • From one user domain (domU) in each Oracle VM Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) cluster

For example, an Oracle Exadata Quarter Rack with 2 database servers containing 4 Oracle VM Oracle RAC clusters (2 nodes per cluster for a total of 8 domU's across both database servers) requires running Exachk 5 separate times, as follows:

  1. Run Exachk in the first user domain (domU) for the first cluster.

  2. Run Exachk in the first user domain (domU) for the second cluster.

  3. Run Exachk in the first user domain (domU) for the third cluster.

  4. Run Exachk in the first user domain (domU) for the fourth cluster.

  5. Run Exachk in the first management domain (dom0).

The audit checks performed by Exachk are specified in the following table:

Table 5-6 Audit Checks Performed by Exachk

Where to Install and Run Exachk Audit Checks Performed

Management domain (dom0)

Hardware and operating system level checks for:

  • Database servers (management domains)
  • Storage servers
  • RDMA Network Fabric
  • RDMA Network Fabric switches

User domain (domU)

Operating system level checks for user domains, and checks for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database

Exachk Command Line Options

Exachk requires no special command line options. It automatically detects that it is running in an Oracle Exadata Oracle VM environment and whether it is running in a management domain or user domain and performs the applicable audit checks. For example, in the simplest case, you can run Exachk with no command line options:


When Exachk is run in the management domain, it performs audit checks on all database servers, storage servers, and RDMA Network Fabric switches accessible through the RDMA Network Fabric.

To run Exachk on a subset of servers or switches, use the following command line options:

Table 5-7 Command Line Options for Exachk

Option Description


Specifies a comma-separated list of database servers.


Specifies a comma-separated list of storage servers.


Specifies a comma-separated list of RDMA Network Fabric switches.

For example, for an Oracle Exadata Full Rack where only the first Quarter Rack is configured for virtualization, but all components are accessible through the RDMA Network Fabric, you can run a command similar to the following from the database server dm01adm01:

./exachk -clusternodes dm01adm01,dm01adm02
   -cells dm01celadm01,dm01celadm02,dm01celadm03
   -ibswitches dm01swibs0,dm01sw-iba0,dm01sw-ibb0