8.5.12 Running the Update

You can perform the actual update of Exadata database servers in a rolling (using the --rolling flag) or non-rolling fashion. The default is non-rolling.

You can also perform the update as root or as a non-root user (using the --log_dir flag), as described in "Running the Update Utility as a Non-root User and Running Multiple Invocations Concurrently".

The update proceeds only if the “minimum dependency check” succeeds. You may need to remove customizations for the update to proceed.

By default the update creates a backup on the inactive system image. If you have already taken a backup and have not changed the image before running the prerequisite check, you can omit the -–nobackup flag when performing the update.


Use the --nobackup flag only if a backup was already made before running the prerequisite check and the image has not changed.

The update action requires the following mandatory flags:

  • -–upgrade specifies the update action

  • --repo Specifies the base URL for the Exadata update repository or the path to a zipped ISO file.)

  • --target_version specifies the release you want to update to. The patch README always has this information.

You can specify additional flags to allow active remote network mounts during backup and updating (--allow_active_network_mounts) and specify mail recipients for updating status notification (--smtp_from "addr" and --smtp_to "addr1 addr2 addr3 ...")

Example 8-13 Running Update Using ISO Image for YUM Repository

The following example shows an update action run as root and using an ISO image for the YUM repository. Active network mounts are allowed, and mail information is specified for status notification:

[root@pmserver ]# ./patchmgr --dbnodes ~/dbs_group --upgrade --repo /var/stage/p35869377_231000_Linux-x86-64.zip 
--target_version --allow_active_network_mounts --smtp_from "sender@somedomain.com" 
--smtp_to "receiver@somedomain.com" --nobackup

The following example shows an update action run as a non-root user from a remote host using an ISO YUM repository. Active network mounts are allowed, and mail information is specified for status notification:

[oracle@pmserver ]$ ./patchmgr --dbnodes ~/dbs_group --upgrade --repo /var/stage/p35869377_231000_Linux-x86-64.zip 
--target_version --allow_active_network_mounts --log_dir auto --smtp_from "sender@somedomain.com" 
--smtp_to "receiver@somedomain.com" --nobackup

Example 8-14 Running Update Using HTTP Location for YUM Repository

The following example shows an update action run as root using HTTP for the YUM repository. Active network mounts are allowed, and mail information is specified for status notification:

[root@pmserver ]# ./patchmgr --dbnodes ~/dbs_group --upgrade --repo http://yum-repo/yum/EXADATA/dbserver/23.1.8/base/x86_64/ 
--target_version --allow_active_network_mounts --smtp_from "sender@somedomain.com" --smtp_to "receiver@somedomain.com"

The following example shows an update action run as a non-root user from a remote host using HTTP for the YUM repository. Active network mounts are allowed, and mail information is specified for status notification:

[oracle@pmserver ]$ ./patchmgr --dbnodes ~/dbs_group --upgrade --repo http://yum-repo/yum/EXADATA/dbserver/23.1.8/base/x86_64/ 
--target_version --allow_active_network_mounts --log_dir auto --smtp_from "sender@somedomain.com" 
--smtp_to "receiver@somedomain.com" –nobackup