5.20.4 Scenario 3: Restoring and Recovering User Domains from Snapshot Backups

Use this procedure to restore lost or damaged files of a user domain using a snapshot-based user domain backup taken from inside a user domain.

To use this procedure, the user domain backup must have been created using the procedure described in Method 3: Back up a User Domain from Inside the User Domain.

  1. Log in to the user domain as the root user.
  2. Mount the backup NFS server to restore the damaged or lost files.
    # mkdir -p /root/mnt
    # mount -t nfs -o ro,intr,soft,proto=tcp,nolock nfs_ip:/location_of_backup /root/mnt
  3. Extract the damaged or lost files from the backup to a staging area.

    Prepare a staging area to hold the extracted files. The backup LVM LVDbSys2 can be used for this:

    # mkdir /backup-LVM
    # mount /dev/mapper/VGExaDb-LVDbSys2 /backup-LVM
    # mkdir /backup-LVM/tmp_restore
    # tar -pjxvf /root/mnt/tar_file_name -C /backup-LVM/tmp_restore absolute_path_of_file_to_be_restored
  4. Restore the damaged or lost files from the temporary staging area as needed.
  5. Restart the user domain.