5.3 Showing Running Domains

The following procedure describes how to show running domains:

  1. Connect to the management domain (domain zero, or dom0).
  2. Run the xm list command. The following is an example of the output:
    # xm list
    Name                         ID   Mem   VCPUs      State   Time(s)
    Domain-0                      0   8192     4       r-----  409812.7
    dm01db01vm01                  8   8192     2       -b---- 156610.6
    dm01db01vm02                  9   8192     2       -b---- 152169.8
    dm01db01vm03                 10  10240     4       -b---- 150225.9
    dm01db01vm04                 16  12288     8       -b---- 113519.3
    dm01db01vm05                 12  12288     8       -b---- 174101.6
    dm01db01vm06                 13  12288     8       -b---- 169115.9
    dm01db01vm07                 14   8192     4       -b---- 175573.0