Software Release Types

The following table describes the release types for Oracle Exadata System Software:

Release type Description and Content

Major Version

The major version identifies the major Oracle Linux Operating System (OS) version that underpins Oracle Exadata System Software. For example, ExaOL6X, ExaOL7X, ExaOL8X, and so on.

Software release

A software release contains new features, bug fixes, security fixes, and may include support for new generations of Exadata system hardware and new Oracle Database software releases.

Starting with the Oracle Exadata System Software release 18.1, an Exadata software release is represented using the first two digits in the release number. For example, 18.1, 19.1, 19.2, and so on.

Previously, the first four digits represent an Exadata software release. For example,

A software release may be used to update any prior software release or maintenance release.

Maintenance release

A maintenance release contains bug fixes, security fixes, and may contain feature enhancements.

Starting with the Oracle Exadata System Software release 18.1, a maintenance release is represented using the third digit in the release number. For example, 23.1.2, 23.1.3, 23.1.4, and so on.

Previously, the fifth digit represents a maintenance release. For example,

A maintenance release may be used to update any prior software release or maintenance release.

Interim patch

An interim patch is one-off bug fix made available to customers who cannot wait until the fix is included in a maintenance release or software release. Installation of an interim patch is done on an as-needed basis and is not a regularly scheduled planned maintenance event.