4.6.2 Task 2: Back up the Current Interface Files

The following procedure describes how to back up the current interface files:

  1. Log in as the root user.
  2. Create hidden directories for the current and new 10 GbE files in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory similar to the following:
    # cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
    # mkdir .Pre_10GigE_Settings
    # mkdir .Post_10GigE_Settings


    Linux startup scripts search for files that begin with ifcfg, and assume files beginning with ifcfg are used for network setup. Placing the backup files in hidden directories avoids them from being used to set up the network interface.

  3. Identify the connected 10 GbE interfaces using the following command. Run the command for each 10 GbE interface.
    # ethtool interface

    In the preceding command, interface is the 10 GbE interface. The interface is eth4 and eth5 for Sun Fire X4170 M2 Oracle Database Servers, and eth8 through eth15 for Sun Fire X4800 Oracle Database Servers.

    The following is an example of the output from the command. The speed should be 10000Mb/s, Link detected should be yes, and Duplex should be full.

    # ethtool eth9
    Settings for eth9:
            Supported ports: [ FIBRE ]
            Supported link modes:  1000baseT/Full 
            Supports auto-negotiation: No
            Advertised link modes:  1000baseT/Full 
            Advertised auto-negotiation: No
            Speed: 10000Mb/s
            Duplex: Full
            Port: FIBRE
            PHYAD: 0
            Transceiver: external
            Auto-negotiation: on
            Supports Wake-on: umbg
            Wake-on: umbg
            Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
            Link detected: yes
  4. Verify the current bonded interface using the following command. An example of the output from the command is also shown.
    # grep -i bondeth0 ifcfg-eth*
  5. Copy the 1 GbE interface files to the .Pre_10GigE_Settings directory using a command similar to the following:
    # cp -p ifcfg-eth1 ifcfg-eth2 ./.Pre_10GigE_Settings/.
  6. Copy the 10 GbE interface files to the .Pre_10GigE_Settings directory using a command similar to the following:
    # cp -p ifcfg-eth9 ifcfg-eth15 ./.Pre_10GigE_Settings/.
  7. Copy the files from the .Pre_10GigE_Settings directory to the .Post_10GigE_Settings directory using a command similar to the following:
    # cp -p ./.Pre_10GigE_Settings/* ./.Post_10GigE_Settings/.