Using the ISO File as a YUM Repository

Each Exadata database server update is packaged as a compressed ISO image file. The ISO image file is organized as a self-contained YUM repository. You can use a standard HTTP Web server to serve the ISO file as a YUM repository to all your Exadata database servers.


Do not use an Exadata database server to host the YUM repository. Use a separate server to avoid interruptions caused by reboots associated with an Exadata software update.

If no separate server is available, use the direct ISO image method instead. See Using the ISO File Directly.

The following outlines the general procedure. You must adjust the example commands to suit your situation and server configuration.

  1. Download the Exadata database server update patch from My Oracle Support to your Web server.

    Each Exadata database server update patch contains a compressed ISO image file.

    To find available Exadata database server update patches, see My Oracle Support document 888828.1.

  2. Decompress the patch archive and mount the ISO image file.

    For example:

    [root@webServer /var/stage]# unzip p35869377_231000_Linux-x86-64.zip
    [root@webServer /var/stage]# mkdir -p /var/www/html/yum/EXADATA/dbserver/23.1.8/base
    [root@webServer /var/stage]# mount -o loop /var/stage/exadata_ol8_base_repo_23. /var/www/html/yum/EXADATA/dbserver/23.1.8/base

    The example uses the Exadata database server update patch archive (p35869377_231000_Linux-x86-64.zip) for Exadata release 23.1.8, which contains the ISO image file named exadata_ol8_base_repo_23. The example assumes that the compressed patch archive is downloaded to /var/stage. The example also assumes that the Web server document root directory is located at /var/www/html, and that the mount point for the ISO image file is /var/www/html/yum/EXADATA/dbserver/23.1.8/base.

  3. Confirm the availability and contents of the Exadata database server update YUM repository.

    Based on the previous example, the YUM repository for the selected Exadata database server update should now be available at http://webServer/yum/EXADATA/dbserver/23.1.8/base/x86_64/.

    You can confirm the availability and contents of the YUM repository by performing a precheck operation with the patchmgr update utility. In the command, specify the YUM repository URL using the --repo option.

    For example:

    [root@pmserver ~]# patchmgr --dbnodes database_node_file --precheck --repo http://webServer/yum/EXADATA/dbserver/23.1.8/base/x86_64/ --target_version

    Note that the server running patchmgr may be different from the YUM repository server.

  4. Use the YUM repository to perform an update.

    In the patchmgr command, specify the YUM repository URL using the --repo option.

    For example:

    [root@pmserver ~]# patchmgr --dbnodes database_node_file --upgrade --repo http://webServer/yum/EXADATA/dbserver/23.1.8/base/x86_64/ --target_version --rolling