7.30 validate-ip Command

Use the --validate-ip command to validate specified network details for an Oracle Linux KVM guest.


vm_maker --validate-ip ip_address --interface network_interface 
  --netmask netmask --gateway gateway_address [ --vlan vlanid ]
vm_maker --validate-ip ip_address --discover 
  --netmask netmask --gateway gateway_address [ --vlan vlanid ]


  • ip_address: Specifies the IP address to use in the validation.
  • --interface: Instructs vm_maker to perform interface validation and specifies the network interface to use in the validation.
  • --discover: Instructs vm_maker to perform discovery validation.
  • --netmask: Specifies the IP netmask to use in the validation.
  • --gateway: Specifies the IP network gateway address to use in the validation.
  • --vlan: Optionally, specifies the VLAN ID to use in the validation.

Usage Notes

Use the --validate-ip command to verify if the provided network details are valid to use for a KVM guest. It can be used for troubleshooting purposes during deployment of KVM guests.

Two types of validation are available:

  • When you use the --interface option, vm_maker validates the specified interface by temporarily plumbing the specified network with the provided details and checking that it can reach the specified gateway.

  • When you use the --discover option, vm_maker discovers interfaces that valid for the specified network details.

Example 7-3 Interface Validation

The following shows an example of interface validation using the --interface option.

# /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --validate-ip --netmask --interface eth1 --gateway
[INFO] Interface eth1 is part of bondeth0. Validating bondeth0.
[INFO] Validating network settings, this can take up to a minute.
[INFO] Interface bondeth0 with ip address and netmask can ping gateway

Example 7-4 Discovery Validation

The following shows an example of discovery validation using the --discover option.

# /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --validate-ip --netmask --discover --gateway
[INFO] Potential interfaces for discovery: eth0 eth1 eth2 eth3 eth4
[INFO] Discovering interface eth0
[INFO] Discovering interface eth1
[INFO] Discovering interface eth2
[INFO] Discovering interface eth3
[INFO] Discovering interface eth4
[INFO] Interfaces found: eth1 eth2