Verifying the Disk Controller Configuration on Systems With a RAID Controller

On Oracle Exadata X8M-2 and earlier, two-socket Exadata database servers contain a RAID controller. For eight-socket systems, all models up to Oracle Exadata X6-8 contain RAID controllers.

  • Use the following command to verify the database server disk controller configuration:
    if [[ -d /proc/xen && ! -f /proc/xen/capabilities ]]
      echo -e "\nThis check will not run in a user domain of a virtualized environment.  Execute this check in the management domain.\n"
      if [ -x /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 ]
        export CMD=/opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64
        export CMD=/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64
      RAW_OUTPUT=$($CMD AdpAllInfo -aALL -nolog | grep "Device Present" -A 8);
      echo -e "The database server disk controller configuration found is:\n\n$RAW_OUTPUT";

On two-socket systems, the expected output is one virtual drive (with none degraded or offline), five physical devices (one controller and four disks), and four disks (with no critical or failed disks).

On eight-socket systems, the expected output is one virtual drive (with none degraded or offline) and eight disks (with no critical or failed disks). The number of physical devices is 9 (one controller and eight disks) plus the number of SAS2 expansion ports (where relevant).

If your output is different, then investigate and correct the problem. Degraded virtual drives usually indicate absent or failed physical disks. Critical disks should be replaced immediately to avoid the risk of data loss if the number of failed disks in the node exceed the count needed to sustain the operations of the system. Failed disks should also be replaced quickly.


If additional virtual drives or a hot spare are present, then it may be that the procedure to reclaim disks was not performed at deployment time or that a bare metal restore procedure was performed without using the dualboot=no qualifier. Contact Oracle Support Services and reference My Oracle Support note 1323309.1 for additional information and corrective steps.

When upgrading a database server that has a hot spare to Oracle Exadata System Software release or later, the hot spare is removed, and added as an active drive to the RAID configuration.

Example 2-1 Checking the disk controller configuration on a 2-socket system without the disk expansion kit

The following is an example of the expected command output on a 2-socket system without the disk expansion kit.

                Device Present
Virtual Drives    : 1 
  Degraded        : 0 
  Offline         : 0 
Physical Devices  : 5 
  Disks           : 4 
  Critical Disks  : 0 
  Failed Disks    : 0