7.1 About the vm_maker Utility

You can use the vm_maker command-line utility to administer an Oracle Linux KVM guest.


Exadata does not support direct manipulation of KVM guests by using the virsh command.

The vm_maker command-line utility is located on each KVM host at /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker.


The general syntax for the vm_maker command is shown here. The following topics describe the individual commands.

vm_maker --command --option [--option ...]

Some commands or options take arguments, such as the guest name. Only enough characters to uniquely identify the guest name are required.


Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) contains the OEDA Command Line Interface (OEDACLI), which provides an alternative command-line utility to administer Oracle Linux KVM guests. A primary difference is that OEDACLI can orchestrate operations across multiple guests, while vm_maker is limited to operating on the Oracle Linux KVM host where it resides. Consider your requirements before deciding which utility to use.