3.10 Adding Database Instance to the New Servers

Before adding the database instances to the new servers, check the following:

  • Maximum file size: If any data files have reached their maximum file size, then the addInstance command may fail with an ORA-00740 error. Oracle recommends you check that none of the files listed in DBA_DATA_FILES have reached their maximum size. Files that have reached their maximum should be corrected.

  • Online redo logs: If the online redo logs are kept in the directory specified by the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter, then ensure the space allocated is sufficient for the additional redo logs for the new instances being added. If necessary, then increase the size for the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE parameter.

  • Total number of instances in the cluster: Set the value of the initialization parameter cluster_database_instances in the SPFILE for each database to the total number of instances that will be in the cluster after adding the new servers.

  • The HugePages settings are correctly configured on the new servers to match the existing servers.

  1. Use a command similar the following from an existing database server to add instances to the new servers. In the command, the instance, dbm9, is being added for server dm02db01.

    dbca -silent -addInstance -gdbName dbm -nodeList dm02db01 -instanceName dbm9 \
    -sysDBAUsername sys

    The command must be run for all servers and instances, substituting the server name and instance name, as appropriate.


    If the command fails, then ensure any files that were created, such as redo log files, are cleaned up. The deleteInstance command does not clean log files or data files that were created by the addInstance command.
  2. Add the CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS parameter to each new instance.

    1. Manually add the CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS parameter to the SPFILE for each new database instance. The additions are similar to the existing entries, but are the RDMA Network Fabric addresses corresponding to the server that each instance runs on.

    2. Restart the instance on each new server.

    3. Verify the parameters were set correctly.