3.8 Configuring Cell Alerts for New Oracle Exadata Storage Servers

Cell alerts need to be configured for the new Oracle Exadata Storage Servers.

The configuration depends on the type of installation.

  • When extending an Oracle Exadata Database Machine rack:

    Manually configure cell alerts on the new storage servers. Use the settings on the original storage servers as a guide. To view the settings on the original storage servers, use a command similar to the following:

    dcli -g new_cells_nodes -l celladmin cellcli -e list cell detail

    To configure alert notification on the new storage servers, use a command similar to the following:

    dcli -g new_cell_nodes -l root "cellcli -e ALTER CELL              \
    mailServer=\'mail_relay.example.com\'                              \
    smtpPort=25,                                                       \
    smtpUseSSL=false,smtpFrom=\'DBM dm01\',                            \
    smtpFromAddr=\'storecell@example.com\',                            \
    smtpToAddr=\'dbm-admins@example.com\',                             \
    notificationMethod=\'mail,snmp\',                                  \
    notificationPolicy=\'critical,warning,clear\',                     \
    snmpSubscriber=\(\(host=\'snmpserver.example.com, port=162\')\)"


    The backslash character (\) is used as an escape character for the dcli utility, and as a line continuation character in the preceding command.
  • When cabling racks:

    Use Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) to set up e-mail alerts for storage servers as the root user from the original rack to the new rack. The utility includes the SetupCellEmailAlerts step to configure alerts.