3.4 Setting User Equivalence

User equivalence can be configured to include all servers once the servers are online.

This procedure must be done before running the post-cabling utilities.

  1. Log in to each new server manually using SSH to verify that each server can accept log ins and that the passwords are correct.

  2. Modify the dbs_group and cell_group files on all servers to include all servers.

    1. Create the new directories on the first existing database server.

      # mkdir /root/new_group_files
      # mkdir /root/old_group_files
      # mkdir /root/group_files
    2. Copy the group files for the new servers to the /root/new_group_files directory.

    3. Copy the group files for the existing servers to the /root/old_group_files directory.

    4. Copy the group files for the existing servers to the /root/group_files directory.

    5. Update the group files to include the existing and new servers.

      cat /root/new_group_files/dbs_group >> /root/group_files/dbs_group
      cat /root/new_group_files/cell_group >> /root/group_files/cell_group
      cat /root/new_group_files/all_group >> /root/group_files/all_group
      cat /root/new_group_files/dbs_priv_group >> /root/group_files/dbs_priv_group
      cat /root/new_group_files/cell_priv_group >> /root/group_files/cell_priv_group
      cat /root/new_group_files/all_priv_group >> /root/group_files/all_priv_group
    6. Make the updated group files the default group files. The updated group files contain the existing and new servers.

      cp /root/group_files/* /root
      cp /root/group_files/* /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand
    7. Put a copy of the updated group files in the root user, oracle user, and Oracle Grid Infrastructure user home directories, and ensure that the files are owned by the respective users.

  3. Modify the /etc/hosts file on the existing and new database server to include the existing RDMA Network Fabric IP addresses for the database servers and storage servers. The existing and new all_priv_group files can be used for this step.


    Do not copy the /etc/hosts file from one server to the other servers. Edit the file on each server.
  4. Run the setssh-Linux.sh script as the root user on one of the existing database servers to configure user equivalence for all servers using the following command. Oracle recommends using the first database server.

    # /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/setssh-Linux.sh  -s -c N -h \
      /path_to_file/all_group -n N 

    In the preceding command, path_to_file is the directory path for the all_group file containing the names for the existing and new servers.


    For Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-2 (with X4170 and X4275 servers) systems, use the setssh.sh command to configure user equivalence.

    The command line options for the setssh.sh command differ from the setssh-Linux.sh command. Run setssh.sh without parameters to see the proper syntax.

  5. Add the known hosts using RDMA Network Fabric. This step requires that all database servers are accessible by way of their InfiniBand interfaces.

    # /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/setssh-Linux.sh -s -c N -h    \
      /path_to_file/all_priv_group -n N -p password
  6. Verify equivalence is configured.

    # dcli -g all_group -l root date
    # dcli -g all_priv_group -l root date
  7. Run the setssh-Linux.sh script as the oracle user on one of the existing database servers to configure user equivalence for all servers using the following command. Oracle recommends using the first database server. If there are separate owners for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, then run a similar command for each owner.

    $ /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/setssh-Linux.sh -s -c N -h   \
      /path_to_file/dbs_group -n N

    In the preceding command, path_to_file is the directory path for the dbs_group file. The file contains the names for the existing and new servers.


    • For Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-2 (with X4170 and X4275 servers) systems, use the setssh.sh command to configure user equivalence.

    • It may be necessary to temporarily change the permissions on the setssh-Linux.sh file to 755 for this step. Change the permissions back to the original settings after completing this step.

  8. Add the known hosts using RDMA Network Fabric. This step requires that all database servers are accessible by way of their InfiniBand interfaces.

    $ /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/setssh-Linux.sh -s -c N -h    \
       /root/group_files/dbs_priv_group -n N
  9. Verify equivalence is configured.

    $ dcli -g dbs_group -l oracle date
    $ dcli -g dbs_priv_group -l oracle date

    If there is a separate Oracle Grid Infrastructure user, then also run the preceding commands for that user, substituting the grid user name for the oracle user.