9.2.8 ASM Disk Size Checked When Reducing Grid Disk Size

In releases earlier than, a user might accidentally decrease the size of a grid disk before decreasing the size of an ASM disk that is part of the disk group. In release, the resize order is checked so that the user cannot reduce the size of the grid disk to be smaller than the ASM disk.

A new attribute asmDiskSize is added to grid disk to support ASM disk size query. When the user runs ALTER GRIDDISK to alter the grid disk size, the command now checks the ASM disk size and prevents the user from making the grid disk smaller than the ASM disk.

The check works for both normal data disk and sparse disk. If it is a sparse grid disk, the check is performed when the virtual size is being changed. If it is a normal grid disk, the check is performed when size is being changed.

For example, suppose the following command:

CellCLI> list griddisk DATAC1_CD_00_adczarcel04 attributes name,asmdisksize

returns the following output:

DATAC1_CD_00_adczarcel04     14880M

When you try to reduce the size of the grid disk to be smaller than the ASM disk:

CellCLI> alter griddisk DATAC1_CD_00_adczarcel04 size=10G

the command returns an error:

CELL-02894: Requested grid disk size is smaller than ASM disk size. Please resize ASM disk DATAC1_CD_00_ADCZARCEL04 first.

Minimum software required:

  • Oracle Exadata Storage Server Software release

  • Grid Infrastructure release with patch 22347483