A.1 Obtaining Information about Oracle Exadata Components

Using operating system commands, you can obtain the information about the components in Oracle Exadata servers.

The component information can be obtained as follows:

  • Kernel version: Run one of the following commands as the root user:

    # uname -a
    # uname -r
  • Oracle Linux release: Run one of the following commands as the root user:

    # cat /etc/oracle-release
    # cat /etc/enterprise-release
  • List of all packages: Run the following command as the root user:

    rpm -qa --queryformat="%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n"
  • List of RDMA Network Fabric packages: The main package names can be obtained from the list of RPMs file ofedrpmlist. The file can be extracted by running the following command as the root user:

    tar -pjxvf /opt/oracle.cellos/iso/cellbits/ofed.tbz ofedrpmlist

    In addition to the packages listed in the file, check if there are any ofa RPMs installed using the following command:

    rpm -qa --queryformat="%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n" | grep -i ofa
  • List of services: Run the following command as the root user:

    chkconfig --list | grep ':on'