8.1.9 OEDA Command Line Interface

The Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) command-line interface (oedacli) is a new interface you can use to update an existing es.xml file. These updates are called Actions. An Action is a single atomic task. An example of an Action might be to create a new Guest. An Action can have many sub commands; however, most actions are single commands. Examples of multi-command steps are CLONE GUEST and CLONE CELL.

You can use oedacli to help with various Exadata life cycle management tasks, such as:

  • Add node to or remove node from a Virtual Cluster on Oracle Exadata Database Machine

  • Add database home to or remove database home from physical cluster

  • Add or remove storage cells

  • Resize Oracle ASM disk groups

  • Add or remove additional databases

  • Add or remove additional database homes to an Oracle VM cluster

See About the OEDA Command Line Interface in the Oracle Exadata Database Machine Installation and Configuration Guide for details.

Minimum software required:

  • Oracle Exadata System Software 18c (18.1.0)

  • Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA), August 2017 release