9.2.2 Quorum Disk Manager Utility

In earlier releases, when Oracle Exadata systems with fewer than 5 storage servers were deployed with HIGH redundancy, the voting disk for the cluster was created on a disk group with NORMAL redundancy. If two cells go down in such a system, the data is still preserved due to HIGH redundancy but the cluster software comes down because the voting disk is on a disk group with NORMAL redundancy.

Quorum disks enable users to deploy and leverage disks on database servers to achieve highest redundancy in quarter rack or smaller configurations. Quorum disks are created on the database servers and added into the quorum failure group.

For new systems to be configured with HIGH redundancy but having fewer than 5 storage servers, Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant can be used to automatically create such quorum disks.

Users who have deployed such systems can use the new quorumdiskmgr utility manually. quorumdiskmgr enables you to manage quorum disks on database servers. With this utility, you can create, list, delete, and alter quorum disk configurations, targets, and devices.

See "Managing Quorum Disks for High Redundancy Disk Groups" in the Oracle Exadata Database Machine Maintenance Guide for details.

Minimum software required:

  • Oracle Exadata Storage Server Software release

  • Grid Infrastructure release with these patches: 22722476 and 22682752; or Grid Infrastructure release or later

  • Patch 23200778 for all Database homes