1.2 Defense in Depth to Secure the Operating Environment

Oracle Exadata Database Machine employs multiple, independent, and mutually-reinforcing security controls to help organizations create a secure operating environment for their workloads and data.

Oracle Exadata Database Machine supports the principle of defense in depth as follows:

  • Offering a strong complement of protections to secure information in transit, in use, and at rest. Security controls are available at the server, storage, network, database, and application layers. Each layer's unique security controls can be integrated with the others to enable the creation of strong, layered security architectures.

  • Supporting the use of well-defined and open standards, protocols, and interfaces. Oracle Exadata Database Machine can be integrated into an organization's existing security policies, architectures, practices and standards. Integration is critical as applications and devices do not exist in isolation. The security of IT architectures is only as strong as its weakest component.

  • Conducting multiple security scans using industry-leading security analyzers to implement all high-priority security items prior to the release of each new Oracle Exadata System Software release.