5.7.1 Resetting a Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 RoCE Network Fabric Switch to Factory Default Settings

The Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 RoCE Network Fabric switch comes preconfigured with specific configurations for RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE). If you plan to reuse this switch in Oracle Exadata you need to save this configuration to:

  • Local bootflash
  • A remote server

To reset a Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 RoCE Network Fabric switch:

  1. Make up backup of the current switch configuration.

    You must save the current configuration if you plan to use the switch after resetting the configuration back to the factory settings. If you are returning the switch, then you do not need to save the RoCE-specific configuration.

    Follow the steps documented in Backing Up Settings on the ROCE Switch

  2. Delete the files in all directories on the switch.

    1. List the directories available on the switch.

      switch# dir ?
    2. For each directory listed in the above output (represented as dir_name), view the directory contents.

      switch# dir dir_name:
    3. If any files are found in a directory, then delete the files.

      switch# del dir_name:* no-prompt
  3. Use the write erase command on the switch to remove the current configuration.

    write erase will erase the RoCE-specific configurations.


    After you enter the write erase command, you must reload the ASCII configuration twice to apply the breakout configuration.

    The write erase command erases the entire startup configuration, except for the following:

    • Boot variable definitions
    • The IPv4 and IPv6 configuration on the mgmt0 interface, including the following:
      • Address Subnet mask
      • Default Gateway/Route in the management VR

    To also remove the boot variable definitions and the IPv4/IPv6 configuration on the mgmt0 interface, use the write erase boot command.

  4. Record the serial numbers of the switches that have been reset to factory default in the Factory Reset certificate template. Sign and date the entries.

    You can identify the serial number of an RoCE Network Fabric switch by running the following command on the switch:

    switch# show license host-id
    License hostid:VDH=FOX064317SQ

    The host ID is also referred to as the device serial number. In the above example, you use all the text that appears after the equal sign (=), so the switch serial number is FOX064317SQ.