Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (ACFS) on Exascale

Exascale contains integrated support for Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (ACFS) on Exascale block storage using Exascale Direct Volumes (EDV).

By using this facility, an Exascale administrator can quickly and easily create and manage ACFS files systems on Exascale block storage.

For example, using one simple command an Exascale administrator can:

  1. Create an ACFS file system on the specified EDV block storage volume.

  2. Register and mount the file system on all servers associated with the EDV attachment.

    If the EDV attachment is a cluster-wide attachment, the ACFS file system is mounted on every node in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) cluster. If the EDV attachment is a node-specific attachment, the file system is mounted only on that node. In all cases, the ACFS details are registered with the GI cluster, and the file system is automatically mounted (or remounted) by Oracle Clusterware as required.