
Change a resource profile associated with a vault.


The chresourceprofile command changes the attribute settings for an existing resource profile that is associated with an Exascale vault.


chresourceprofile [vault-name/]resource-profile-name --attributes attribute=value[,attribute=value] ...

Command Options

The options for the chresourceprofile command are:

  • resource-profile-name: Identifies the resource profile being changed.

  • vault-name: Identifies the vault that the resource profile is associated with.

    If not specified, then the current working directory is used to identify the vault.

  • --attributes: Specifies attributes to change. The following list outlines all of the available attributes:

    • iopsShareEF: Specifies the relative share of I/O bandwidth (IOPS) from extreme flash (EF) storage media that is available to each client associated with the resource profile. Each client’s share is relative to all other client shares. A higher share value implies higher priority. The range of valid values is 1-100, and the default is 1.
    • iopsLimitEF: Specifies the upper limit of the I/O bandwidth (IOPS) from extreme flash (EF) storage media that is available to each client associated with the resource profile. The value represents a fraction out of 10000. The range of valid values is 1-10000. The default value is 10000 (effectively unlimited).
    • iopsShareHC: Specifies the relative share of I/O bandwidth (IOPS) from high capacity (HC) storage media that is available to each client associated with the resource profile. Each client’s share is relative to all other client shares. A higher share value implies higher priority. The range of valid values is 1-100, and the default is 1.
    • iopsLimitHC: Specifies the upper limit of the I/O bandwidth (IOPS) from high capacity (HC) storage media that is available to each client associated with the resource profile. The value represents a fraction out of 10000. The range of valid values is 1-10000. The default value is 10000 (effectively unlimited).
    • enableFlashCache: Enables or disables use of flash cache for clients associated with the resource profile. The value is Boolean, and the default is true (enabled).
    • flashCacheMin: Specifies the guaranteed minimum fraction of flash cache available to each client associated with the resource profile. The range of valid values is 0-10000. The default value is 0 (no set minimum). If the sum of all values across all resource profiles exceeds 10000, then all values are proportionally scaled down. This option is valid only when enableFlashCache=true.
    • flashCacheMax: Specifies the maximum fraction of flash cache available to each client associated with the resource profile. This option is valid only when enableFlashCache=true. The range of valid values is 0-10000. The default value is 10000. This option is valid only when enableFlashCache=true.
    • enableXrmemCache: Enables or disables use of Exadata RDMA Memory Cache (XRMEM cache) for clients associated with the resource profile. The value is Boolean, and the default is true (enabled).
    • xrmemCacheMin: Specifies the guaranteed minimum fraction of XRMEM cache available to each client associated with the resource profile. The range of valid values is 0-10000. The default value is 0 (no set minimum). If the sum of all values across all resource profiles exceeds 10000, then all values are proportionally scaled down. This option is valid only when enableXrmemCache=true.
    • xrmemCacheMax: Specifies the maximum fraction of XRMEM cache available to each client associated with the resource profile. This option is valid only when enableXrmemCache=true. The range of valid values is 0-10000. The default value is 10000. This option is valid only when enableXrmemCache=true.
    • enableFlashLog: Enables or disables use of flash log for clients associated with the resource profile. The value is Boolean, and the default is true (enabled).

Usage Notes

In addition to regular user-defined resource profiles, you can also modify the system-reserved resource profile named $UNASSIGNED. All Exascale clients not explicitly associated with a resource profile are automatically governed by the $UNASSIGNED profile. The $UNASSIGNED resource profile contains only two modifiable attributes:

  • flashCacheMax: Specifies the maximum fraction of flash cache shared by clients associated with the $UNASSIGNED profile. The range of valid values is 0-10000. The default value is 10000.
  • xrmemCacheMax: Specifies the maximum fraction of XRMEM cache shared by clients associated with the $UNASSIGNED profile. The range of valid values is 0-10000. The default value is 10000.

All Exascale clients governed by the $UNASSIGNED profile share the corresponding cache resources. The behavior differs from regular resource profiles, where each application of the resource profile defines the resource allocation for one associated client.

You must create the $UNASSIGNED resource profile before you can modify it. If the $UNASSIGNED resource profile does not exist, all unassigned Exascale clients share any unassigned flash cache space and XRMEM cache space. If there is no unassigned space to share, the system automatically reserves 5% of the cache space for unassigned Exascale clients.


Example 6-133 Change a Resource Profile

In this example, the iopsShareHC attribute is set to 11 for the SILVER resource profile in conjunction with the VAULT1 vault.

@> chresourceprofile VAULT1/SILVER --attributes iopsShareHC=11

Example 6-134 Change a Resource Profile

In this example, the enableFlashLog attribute is set to false for the SILVER resource profile in conjunction with the VAULT1 vault. In this example, the vault association is not specified in the command but is derived from the current working directory in the ESCLI session.

@VAULT1> chresourceprofile SILVER --attributes enableFlashLog=false