
Change attributes of a block store virtual IP.


The chvolumeHAVIP command allows you to modify the attributes of an Exascale block store high-availability (HA) virtual IP (VIP).


chvolumeHAVIP block-store-vip-id [ --attributes attribute=value[,attribute=value] ... ]

Command Options

The options for the chvolumeHAVIP command are:

  • block-store-vip-id: Identifies the block store VIP being changed. You can use the lsvolumeHAVIP command to find the identifier for each block store VIP.

  • --attributes: Optionally specifies attributes to change.

    The following attributes can be changed:

    • name


Example 6-150 Change the Name of a Block Store VIP

This example shows changing the name of the specified block store VIP to HAVIP_1.

@> chvolumeHAVIP 2:66f187eb86824f56a5c92003f922e97f --attributes name=HAVIP_1