7.2.3 clone

Clone files.


clone [{ -w | --wallet } wallet-location ] [ -D | --debug ] 
      source1 target1 [ sourceN targetN ]...

Command Options

The options for the clone command are:

  • source1-N: Specifies the source file(s) being cloned.

  • target1-N: Specifies the location of the clone(s).

  • -w, --wallet: Optionally specifies the path to the Exascale wallet directory.

  • -D, --debug: Optionally enables debug mode.

Usage Notes

Note the following information when using this command:

  • You can use a wildcard (%) in the source to specify multiple source files, in which case the corresponding target must also contain a matching wildcard.

  • All files in a clone operation must be in the same vault.

  • Multiple source and target pairs are permitted. In this case, the source file specifications are considered in order, and only the first match is used.

  • All clones created in the same operation are point-in-time consistent.