Create an iSCSI Attachment

An iSCSI attachment enables the use of an Exascale volume as an iSCSI device.

To create an iSCSI attachment, use the ESCLI mkvolumeattachment command and specify:

  • The volume identifier.

  • The identifier used by iSCSI initiators to identify the attachment.

  • The iSCSI protocol option (--protocol iscsi).

  • The CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) attributes for authentication of iSCSI initiators.

For example:

@> mkvolumeattachment 2:390535212ea7448299bcc7bc7f7653b2 iqn.1988-10.com.oracle.vm01 --protocol iscsi
     --attributes chapUserId=X1234567-user-1,chapPassword=X1234567-pass-1,chapMutualUserId=X1234567-user-2,chapMutualPassword=X1234567-pass-2

In the example, the volume identifier is 2:390535212ea7448299bcc7bc7f7653b2, and the identifier used by iSCSI initiators to identify the attachment is iqn.1988-10.com.oracle.vm01. The required CHAP attributes are specified following the --attributes command option.