3.7.1 Create a Vault Template

A vault template is a named collection of file storage attribute settings defined at the vault level and used when creating new files in the vault. By using vault templates, you can manage file storage attributes automatically and consistently across the vault. A vault template overrides the settings in the corresponding cluster template.

  • To create a vault template that is associated with a file type, use the ESCLI mktemplate command with the --vault and --file-type options and specify the file storage attribute settings:

    • --media-type: Specifies the physical media type that is used to store the file. Exascale uses this attribute to place the file in a storage pool that uses the specified media type. Possible values are:
      • HC: Identifies high capacity storage media, which uses hard disk drives (HDDs).
      • EF: Identifies extreme flash storage media, which uses flash devices.
    • --redundancy: Specifies the number of data copies that are maintained. Possible values are:
      • normal: Maintains 2 mirrored copies of the file data.
      • high: Maintains 3 mirrored copies of the file data.
    • --content-type: Specifies the type of content in the file. Exascale internally uses this attribute to place file extents on physically separate devices in a way that maximizes availability if failures occurs. Possible values are:
      • DATA
      • RECO

    The command syntax is:

    @> mktemplate --vault vault-name --file-type file-type --content-type content-type --media-type media-type --redundancy redundancy
  • To create a user-defined vault template, use the mktemplate command with the --vault and --name options and specify the file storage attribute settings. The command syntax is:

    @> mktemplate --vault vault-name --name template-name --content-type content-type --media-type media-type --redundancy redundancy