3.2.1 Create a Vault

An Exascale vault is a logical file container.

To create a vault, use the ESCLI mkvault command. For example:

@> mkvault @myvaultname

As shown in the example, the simplest form of the command specifies only the name of the new vault. In this case, the resulting vault has unlimited access to all of the resources in the Exascale cluster.

Alternatively, when you create a new vault you can specify one or more resource provisioning attributes. For example, the following command creates a new vault that is provisioned with 10 TB of high capacity storage (HC) space:

@> mkvault @myvaultname --attributes spaceProvHC=10T

Following is the list of vault-specific resource provisioning attributes that may be set:

  • spaceProvEF: Provisions the vault with the specified amount of EF storage space.
  • spaceProvHC: Provisions the vault with the specified amount of HC storage space.
  • iopsProvEF: Provisions the vault with the specified number of IOPS from EF storage.
  • iopsProvHC: Provisions the vault with the specified number of IOPS from HC storage.
  • flashCacheProv: Provisions the vault with the specified amount of flash cache space.
  • flashLogProv: Boolean value (true or false) indicating whether the vault is provisioned with access to Exadata Smart Flash Log. The default value is true.
  • xrmemCacheProv: Provisions the vault with the specified amount of Exadata RDMA Memory Cache (XRMEM cache) space.

    Use this attribute only on systems with HC or EF storage, but not both. For systems with HC and EF storage, use the following media-specific XRMEM cache provisioning attributes.

  • xrmemCacheProvEF: Provisions the vault with the specified amount of XRMEM cache space associated with EF media.

  • xrmemCacheProvHC: Provisions the vault with the specified amount of XRMEM cache space associated with HC media.