7.2.5 dd

Convert and copy a file.


dd [ --if=name ] [ --of=name ] [ --bs=bytes ] [ --count=num ] 
   [ --ibs=bytes ] [ --obs=bytes ] [ --seek=num ] [ --skip=num ] 
   [ --imirror=num ] [ --omirror=num ] [ --mirror=num ] 
   [ --truncate ] [ --aio=naio ] [ --block ]
   [{ -w | --wallet } wallet-location ] [ -D | --debug ]

Command Options

The options for the dd command are:

  • --if: Specifies the name of the input file to use instead of standard input.

  • --of: Specifies the name of the output file to use instead of standard output.

  • --bs: Specifies the number of bytes to read and write in each block. The default value is 512.

  • --count: Specifies the number of input blocks.

  • --ibs: Specifies the number of bytes to read at a time. The default value is 512.

  • --obs: Specifies the number of bytes to write at a time. The default value is 512.

  • --seek: Specifies the number of obs-sized blocks to skip at the start of the output.

  • --skip: Specifies the number of ibs-sized blocks to skip at the start of the input.

  • --imirror: Specifies the input mirror number. The first mirror is 0, the second mirror is 1, and so on. The default value is 255, which means 'read any mirror.'

  • --omirror: Specifies the output mirror number. The first mirror is 0, the second mirror is 1, and so on. The default value is 255, which means 'write all mirrors.'

  • --mirror: Specifies the input and output mirror number. The first mirror is 0, the second mirror is 1, and so on. The default value is 255, which means 'all mirrors.'

  • --truncate Resizes the output file.

  • --aio: Specifies the number of async I/Os to use. The default value is 4.

  • --block: Specifies that the I/O offsets should be divisible by the relevant I/O block size.

  • -w, --wallet: Specifies the path to the Exascale wallet directory.

  • -D, --debug: Enables debug mode.