6.2.2 Describing Resources and Attributes


The describe command displays information about Exascale resources and their attributes.


describe { resource-spec | --all } [ --detail ]

Command Options

The options for the describe command are:

  • resource-spec: Directs the command to display information about specific Exascale resources and their attributes as follows:

    • The resource-spec value is not case-sensitive.

      Consequently, the following commands are functionally equivalent:

      @> describe vaults
      @> describe VAULTS
      @> describe vAUltS
    • You can specify resource names in singular or plural form.

      Consequently, the following commands are functionally equivalent:

      @> describe vault
      @> describe vaults
    • If you specify a complete resource name (in singular or plural form), the output contains all attributes of the specified resource.

    • If you specify a resource name with a wildcard (*), the output contains all resources that match the pattern.

      For example, the following command describes all resources starting with the letter 'v' (vaults, volumes, and so on):

      @> describe v*
    • If you specify an attribute name (using the notation: <resource>.<attribute>), the output describes the specified attribute.

      For example:

      @> describe vaults.name
    • If you specify an attribute name with a wildcard (*), the output contains all attributes that match the pattern.

      For example, the following command describes all attributes starting with 'n' in all resources starting with 'v':

      @> describe v*.n*
    • If resource-spec begins with 'mk', the output contains only the attributes that are initializable during resource creation (initializable != false).

      For example, the following command describes all attributes that are initializable during file creation:

      @> describe mkfiles

      You can further refine the output using the following options:

      • --mandatory: Describes only the mandatory attributes that must be initialized during resource creation (initializable = Mandatory). For example:

        @> describe mkfiles --mandatory
      • --optional: Describes only the optional attributes that may be initialized during resource creation (initializable = Optional).

        @> describe mkfiles --optional
    • If resource-spec begins with 'ch', the output contains only the attributes that are modifiable for an existing resource (modifiable = true).

      For example, the following command describes the attributes that may be modified for existing files:

      @> describe chfiles
  • --all: Directs the command to display information for all Exascale resources.

  • --detail: Optionally formats the command output so that values are displayed on separate lines, instead of using the default tabular output.