4.3 About Exascale User Credentials for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database

This topic describes how to identify the Exascale user credentials used in conjunction with Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database software.

You can use Exascale to store the Oracle Grid Infrastructure shared clusterware files (Oracle Cluster Registry and voting disks) and Oracle Database files such as data files, control files, log files, and so on.

To natively use Exascale storage, Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database must have access to an Exascale user account. The account access is provided using credentials located in a credential store file known as a wallet.

By default, Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) automatically creates the required Exascale user accounts and wallets when you use it to deploy databases and VM clusters that use Exascale storage. See Exascale User Accounts and Wallets.

Otherwise, to create and administer an Exascale user, you can use the procedures described in Administer Exascale Users and Administer Exascale User Credentials.

To access Exascale storage, Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database use the first Exascale user wallet available in the following search path:

  1. $ORACLE_BASE/admin/dbname/eswallet

    In this case, dbname represents the name of a specific database.

  2. $ORACLE_BASE/admin/eswallet
  3. $OSSCONF/eswallet
  4. /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/eswallet

If the system uses the same operating system (OS) software owner (typically oracle) for both Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database, then one Exascale user is typically used throughout the Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster.

A role-separated software installation contains a separate Oracle Grid Infrastructure OS owner (typically grid) and Oracle Database OS owner (typically oracle). In this case, separate Exascale users are typically associated with the Oracle Database OS owner and the Oracle Grid Infrastructure OS owner.