
Display storage extent information.


The extentmap command enables Exascale cluster administrators to display storage extent information for Exascale file and vaults.


extentmap [ --name filename --file-offset offset [ --mirror mirror ]] [ --extId extent --target target ]

Command Options

The options for the extentmap command are:

  • --name: A file or vault name for which you want to display extent information.

    Vault names are preceded with the @ symbol.

  • --file-offset: Specifies the offset location for which to display information.

    The value is expressed in bytes and can be a single number or a range. Use this option when you specify a file name for translation.

  • --mirror: Optionally specifies the mirror number for which to display information.

    For normal (2-way) redundancy, the mirror number can be 0 or 1. For high (3-way) redundancy, the mirror number can be 0, 1, or 2.

    You can use this option when you specify a file name for translation.

  • --extId: An extent identifier for which you want to display information.

    You can use this option to translate an extent identifier to a vault or file name.

  • --target: Specifies the translation target; either vaults or files.

    You can use this option when you specify an extent identifier for translation.

Usage Notes

This command requires the cluster administrator privilege.


Example 6-82 Display Extent Information for a Vault

The following example shows how to display extent information for the specified vault.

@> extentmap --name @MYDATA
Vault Extent ID: c000_0000_003a:0000_0000_0000:00000000:00000000

Example 6-83 Display Extent Information for a Specific File Offset

The following example shows how to display extent information for a specified byte offset in a specified file.

@> extentmap --name @MYDATA/file1 --file-offset 123
extId: c000_0000_003a:8000_0000_000a:00000000:00000000
rpmId: 3222802720
extentEndOffset: 8388608
mirrorHealth: OK
mirrorNumber: 0

extId: c000_0000_003a:8000_0000_000a:00000000:00000000
rpmId: 3222802720
extentEndOffset: 8388608
mirrorHealth: OK
mirrorNumber: 1

extId: c000_0000_003a:8000_0000_000a:00000000:00000000
rpmId: 3222802720
extentEndOffset: 8388608
mirrorHealth: OK
mirrorNumber: 2

Example 6-84 Display Extent Information for a Specific Mirror

The following example shows how to display extent information for a specific extent mirror, using a specified byte offset in a specified file.

@> extentmap --name @MYDATA/file1 --file-offset 123 --mirror 1
extId: c000_0000_003a:8000_0000_000a:00000000:00000000
rpmId: 3222802720
extentEndOffset: 8388608
mirrorHealth: OK
mirrorNumber: 1

Example 6-85 Display Vault Name for a Specific Extent

The following example shows how to display the vault name for a specific extent.

@> extentmap --extId c000_0000_003a:8000_0000_000a:00000000:00000000 --target vaults
vaultName: MYDATA

Example 6-86 Display File Name for a Specific Extent

The following example shows how to display the file name for a specific extent.

@> extentmap --extId c000_0000_003a:8000_0000_000a:00000000:00000000 --target files
vaultName: MYDATA
fileName: file1