3.5.1 List ACLs

Access control lists (ACLs) govern the operations that users can perform on Exascale vaults and files.

To display information about ACLs, use the ESCLI lsacl command:

  • To display the ACLs for all of the vaults, use the lsacl command with no arguments while the root directory is the current working directory in the ESCLI session. For example:
    @> lsacl
  • To display the ACLs for all files in a vault, use the lsacl command and specify the vault name along with a wildcard (*) for the files. For example:
    @> lsacl @myvaultname/*

    Alternatively, you can use the lsacl command with no arguments while the current working directory is in the desired vault. For example:

    @> cd @myvaultname
    @myvaultname/> lsacl
  • To display the ACLs for a specific vault or file, use the lsacl command and specify the desired vault or file. For example:
    @> lsacl @myvaultname/somefile
  • To display the ACLs for multiple vaults and files, use the lsacl command and specify multiple vault and file specification strings. For example:
    @> lsacl @myvaultname @myvaultname/* @anothervaultname @anothervaultname/somefile