2.8.2 List the Volume Backup Location

Volume backups are stored in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) object storage. To use volume backups you must have access to OCI Object Storage Service, and then specify the service details as attributes of the Exascale cluster.

To display the backup storage location configuration details, use the ESCLI lscluster command and specify the --backup option. For example:

@> lscluster --backup --detail
id                                   1
backupCompartmentName                bkupComp
backupCompartmentOcid                ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaa********************a2h4p6upiwtwtg6ehl7lo6mjqlj6zdvq
backupUserOcid                       ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaa********************qfacrpincf433r2koe37u5qgsidl6tra
backupUserPubKeyFprint               1e:1f:da:ee:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:e6:0c:1a:25
backupObjectStoreNamespace           exampledbaas
tenancyOcid                          ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaa********************7lb5gbw5icbm5lwwncxs6uhjqhzexg2a