
List ACLs for files and vaults.


The lsacl command allows you to list access control lists (ACLs) for Exascale files and vaults.


lsacl  [ file-name | vault-name ] ...

Usage Notes

Note the following information when using this command:

  • file-name and vault-name specify the names of files or vaults that are the subject of the operation. You can specify multiple files or vaults for which you want to display ACLs. The asterisk (*) can be used for wildcard searches.

  • If you do not specify any file-name or vault-name, then the output depends on the current working directory in the ESCLI session. If the current working directory is the root directory, then the command returns the ACLs for all vaults. If the current working directory is not the root directory, then the command returns the ACLs for all files under the current working directory.


Example 6-36 List ACLs for all vaults

This example lists the ACLs for all vaults.

@> lsacl

Example 6-37 List ACLs for all files in a vault

This example lists the ACLs for all files in the @MYDATA vault.

@> cd @MYDATA
@MYDATA/> lsacl

Example 6-38 List ACLs for a Vault and Files

This example lists the ACLs for the @MYDATA vault and the files that it contains.

@> lsacl @MYDATA @MYDATA/*