
List information about deferred feature updates.


The lsfeatureupdate command displays information about all deferred feature updates associated with the Exascale cluster or details for a specific deferred feature update.


lsfeatureupdate [ name ] [ --attributes attribute[,attribute] ... ]
     [ --detail ] [ --filter filter[,filter] ... ] [ -l ]

Command Options

The options for the lsfeatureupdate command are:

  • name: Identifies the deferred feature update that you want to list information about. If not specified, the command displays information about all deferred feature updates associated with the Exascale cluster.

  • --attributes: Lists the specific attributes to display.

  • --detail: Lists all attributes in a detailed form.

  • --filter: Used to specify conditions for filtering the list output.

  • -l: Returns output in a long, tabular form.

Usage Notes

Note the following information when using this command:

  • Filter conditions are specified as: <attribute><operator><value>.

    The allowed operators are =, !=, >=, <=, >, and <.

    Multiple comma-separated filter conditions are combined using AND logic.

    Dates can be specified using the following formats:

    • yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss
    • yyyy-MM-dd (Time is assumed to be 00:00 AM)
    • HH:mm:ss (Date is assumed to be today)

    A date can also be followed by a timezone specification.

    Sizes can be specified using suffixes K, KB, M, MB, G, GB, T, TB. The suffix is not case-sensitive.


Example 6-21 List All Deferred Feature Update Information

The following example shows how to list essential information about all of the deferred feature updates associated with the Exascale cluster.

@> lsfeatureupdate

Example 6-22 List Specific Deferred Feature Update Information

The following example shows how to list detailed information about a specific deferred feature update.

@> lsfeatureupdate deferred_update_1_1684214264 --detail