
Display key information.


The lskey command displays information about the specificed key file.


lskey pem-file [ --attributes attribute[,attribute] ... ] [ --detail ] [ -l ]

Command Options

The options for the lskey command are:

  • pem-file: Identifies the key file that you want to display information about. The pem-file must specify a regular file location for a key file in PEM format.

  • --attributes: Lists the specific attributes to display.

  • --detail: Displays all of the key attributes.

  • -l: Returns output in a long, tabular form.


Example 6-39 List Detailed Key Information

The following example displays detailed information from the key file named pub.pem.

@> lskey pub.pem --detail

Example 6-40 List Specific Key Information

The following example displays specific attributes (id, privateKeyFile, and publicKeyFingerprint) from the key file named priv.pem.

@> lskey priv.pem --attributes id,privateKeyFile,publicKeyFingerprint