
List resource profiles.


The lsresourceprofile command displays information about Exascale resource profiles that are associated with a vault.


lsresourceprofile [ [vault-name/]resource-profile-name [, [vault-name/]resource-profile-name ] ... ] 
     [ -l ] [ --detail ] [ --attributes attribute[,attribute] ... ] 
     [ --filter filter[,filter] ... ] [ --sort [-]attribute[,[-]attribute] ... ]

Command Options

The options for the lsresourceprofile command are:

  • resource-profile-name: Identifies a specific resource profile name.

  • vault-name: Identifies a specific vault.

    If not specified, then the current working directory is used to specify the vault.

  • -l: Returns output in a long, tabular form.

  • --detail: Lists all attributes in a detailed form.

  • --attributes: Lists the specific attributes to display.

  • --filter: Used to specify conditions for filtering the list output.

  • --sort: Used to sort the output using the specified attributes.

Usage Notes

Note the following information when using this command:

  • Filter conditions are specified as: <attribute><operator><value>.

    The allowed operators are =, !=, >=, <=, >, and <.

    Multiple comma-separated filter conditions are combined using AND logic.

  • Sorting attributes are specified as: [-]attribute. Multiple sort attributes are comma-delimited. The default sort order is ascending. For descending sort order, prefix the attribute name with -.

    For example, use the following to primarily sort by name in descending order, and use creation time in ascending order to further sort entries with the same name:

    --sort -name,createTime


Example 6-135 List Resource Profiles

This example lists the resource profiles associated with the vault named VAULT1.

@> lsresourceprofile --filter vault=VAULT1

Example 6-136 List Resource Profiles

This example lists the resource profiles associated with the vault named VAULT1. In this example, the vault association is not specified in the command but is derived from the current working directory in the ESCLI session.

@VAULT1> lsresourceprofile

Example 6-137 List a Specific Resource Profile

This example shows two ways to display detailed information about the resource profile named SILVER that is associated with the vault named VAULT1.

@> lsresourceprofile VAULT1/SILVER --detail
@> lsresourceprofile SILVER --filter vault=VAULT1 --detail