2.5.3 Modify a Storage Pool

An Exascale storage pool is a collection of pool disks that provides the persistent physical storage for Exascale vaults and files.

Fundamentally, you can modify a storage pool in two ways:

  • You can modify the storage configuration associated with the storage pool.
  • You can modify other attributes that are associated with the storage pool.

To modify a storage pool, use the ESCLI chstoragepool command:

  • To modify the storage configuration associated with the storage pool, use the chstoragepool command in conjunction with the following options:

    • --reconfig: Reconfigures the storage pool and makes permanent any changes to the number or size of the underlying pool disks. Reconfiguration may trigger a rebalance operation to ensure that data is spread evenly across the pool disks in the storage pool. The time required for reconfiguration depends on the amount of data movement required to rebalance the storage pool.

    • --force: Optionally forces a reconfiguration operation even if the system detects no apparent change to the underlying pool disks.

    For example:

    @> chstoragepool POOL1 --reconfig --force

    Implicitly, you also modify the storage configuration associated with a storage pool when you perform any of the following tasks:

  • To modify the attributes that are associated with the storage pool, use the chstoragepool command, and specify the attribute that you want to modify. For example:

    @> chstoragepool mypoolname --attributes diskOfflineTimerInMins=60

    Use the describe chstoragepool command to view details about the storage pool attributes you can modify with chstoragepool.