Modify User Privileges

To change a user's privileges, use the ESCLI chuser command with the --privilege option and specify:

  • The unique user ID for the user that is being modified. You can use the lsuser command to find the ID for each user.
  • The list of privileges to apply to the user.

For example:

@> chuser theuserID --privilege vlt_read|egs

The --privilege option specifies a list of one or more privileges of the form privilege-1|privilege-2|....

A privilege is one of the following: no_privilege, cellsrv, egs, ers, syseds, usreds, bsm, bsw, ms, vlt_manage, vlt_use, vlt_read, vlt_inspect, cl_admin, cl_operator, cl_monitor, on_behalf_of, user_create, system_restore. For descriptions, see User Privileges.

no_privilege cannot be combined with any other type of privileges, otherwise an error is returned.

Vault top-level privileges (vlt_manage, vlt_use, vlt_read, and vlt_inspect) are mutually exclusive. If any two or more are combined, an error is returned.

Cluster privileges (cl_admin, cl_operator, and cl_monitor) are mutually exclusive. If any two or more are combined, an error is returned.