Remove an EDV Attachment

An Exascale Direct Volume (EDV) attachment can be used as a raw block storage device or to support a file system, such as Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (ACFS).

Removing an EDV attachment removes only the ability for clients to access the volume. It does not modify or delete any of the volume contents.

To remove an existing EDV attachment, use the ESCLI rmvolumeattachment command and specify the EDV attachment identifier. For example:

@> rmvolumeattachment 1:90565644befb4c4abab1558b81b940eb

In the example, the EDV attachment identifier is 1:90565644befb4c4abab1558b81b940eb. You can use the lsvolumeattachment command to find the identifier for each volume attachment.


You can use the edvrmvol command to simplify the removal of an Exascale Direct Volume (EDV) attachment and associated Exascale volume that were created using the edvmkvol command.