Remove an iSCSI Attachment

An iSCSI attachment enables the use of an Exascale volume as an iSCSI device.

Removing an iSCSI attachment only removes the access path to the underlying volume. It does not modify or delete any of the volume contents.

To remove an existing iSCSI attachment, use the ESCLI rmvolumeattachment command and specify:

  • The attachment identifier. You can use the lsvolumeattachment command to find the identifier for each volume attachment.

  • The identifier for the iSCSI initiator.

  • The iSCSI protocol option (--protocol iscsi).

For example:

@> rmvolumeattachment 2-2:9a7bced09e514bd9bb701d0556020c1c iqn.1988-10.com.oracle.vm01 --protocol iscsi

In the example, the attachment identifier is 2-2:9a7bced09e514bd9bb701d0556020c1c, and the identifier for the iSCSI initiator is iqn.1988-10.com.oracle.vm01.