7.2.10 rm

Remove files.


rm [ -f ] [ -i ] [ -v ] [{ -w | --wallet } wallet-location ]
   [ -D | --debug ] filename

Command Options

The options for the rm command are:

  • filename: Specifies the files being removed.

    You can use a wildcard (%) in the filename to specify multiple files.

  • -f: Forces removal of open files.

  • -i: Interactively prompt for confirmation before deleting a file.

  • -v: Print the names of the files being deleted.

  • -w, --wallet: Optionally specifies the path to the Exascale wallet directory.

  • -D, --debug: Optionally enables debug mode.


Example 7-12 Delete an Exascale file

The following example deletes @MYDATA/myfile.

$ xsh rm @MYDATA/myfile