
Delete a resource profile.


The rmresourceprofile command deletes a resource profile that is associated with an Exascale vault.


rmresourceprofile [vault-name/]resource-profile-name

Command Options

The options for the rmresourceprofile command are:

  • resource-profile-name: Identifies the name for the resource profile to delete.

  • vault-name: Identifies the vault that the resource profile is associated with.

    If not specified, then the current working directory is used to identify the vault.


Example 6-141 Delete a Resource Profile

This example shows how to delete a resource profile named SILVER that is associated with the vault named VAULT1.

@> rmresourceprofile VAULT1/SILVER

Example 6-142 Delete a Resource Profile

This example shows how to delete a resource profile named BRONZE that is associated with the vault named VAULT1. In this example, the vault association is not specified in the command but is derived from the current working directory in the ESCLI session.

@VAULT1> rmresourceprofile BRONZE