
Delete a file template.


The rmtemplate command deletes an Exascale file template that is associated with the vault or the cluster.


rmtemplate [ --vault vault ] [ --cluster ] [ --file-type file-type ] [ --name template-name ]

Command Options

Specify one or more of the following rmtemplate command options to identify the template to delete:
  • --vault: Specifies a template associated with the specified vault.

  • --cluster: Specifies a template associated with the cluster.

  • --file-type: Specifies a template associated with the specified file type.

  • --name: Specifies a user-defined template having the specified name.

Usage Notes

Note the following information when using this command:

  • File type templates associated with the cluster cannot be deleted.


Example 6-128 Delete a User-Defined Cluster-Wide Template

This example shows deleting a user-defined template named T1. The template is associated with the cluster, as neither --vault or --cluster are specified, and the current working directory in the ESCLI session is the root directory.

@> rmtemplate --name T1

Example 6-129 Delete a User-Defined Vault-Specific Template

This example shows deleting a user-defined template named T2. The template is associated with the vault named VAULT1, as neither --vault or --cluster are specified, and the current working directory in the ESCLI session is inside VAULT1.

@VAULT1> rmtemplate --name T2

Example 6-130 Delete a User-Defined Vault-Specific Template

This example shows deleting a user-defined template named T3 that is associated with the vault named VAULT1.

@> rmtemplate --name T3 --vault VAULT1

Example 6-131 Delete a User-Defined Cluster-Wide Template

This example shows deleting a user-defined cluster-wide template named T4. The --cluster option overrides the fact that the current working directory in the ESCLI session is inside VAULT1.

@VAULT1> mktemplate --name T4 --cluster

Example 6-132 Delete a Template for a Specific Vault and File Type

This example shows deleting a template associated with the DATAFILE file type and the vault named VAULT1.

@> rmtemplate --file-type DATAFILE --vault VAULT1