6.1 Start and Use ESCLI

This topic describes how to start and use the Exascale command line interface (ESCLI).

ESCLI is a command-line administration tool that is located on Exadata compute nodes and storage servers. You can use ESCLI to perform Exascale monitoring and management functions. ESCLI works in conjunction with the Exadata cell command-line interface (CELLCLI) and does not replace it.

To use ESCLI you must have access to an Exascale user account and the digital key store (wallet) for the Exascale user account.

To start ESCLI, use the following command line syntax:

$ escli [ --wallet wallet-location ] [ --ctrl server[:port] ] [ ESCLI-command ]

In the command line:

  • --wallet wallet-location: Identifies the wallet that you want to use for authentication to Exascale. If you do not specify the wallet location, then ESCLI checks the local server and attempts to locate the wallet for the default local Exascale user.

  • --ctrl server[:port]: Specifies the endpoint address for connection to Exascale control services, also known as Exascale RESTful Services (ERS). If the ERS address is not specified on the command line, then ESCLI connects to the ERS address stored in the user's wallet.

  • ESCLI-command: Specifies an ESCLI command to run immediately. For example:

    $ escli --wallet /home/user/user.wallet ls -l @MYDATA
    Total 5
      10.0M   05 Jan 12:59 x 
      19.5k   05 Jan 13:08 y 
       5.0k   05 Jan 13:09 z1 
      10.0M   05 Jan 13:23 z2 
      20.0G   05 Jan 13:14 z3 

If an ESCLI command is not specified on the escli command line, ESCLI starts an interactive session and presents a command prompt. During an interactive session, you can run a series of ESCLI commands. The interactive session ends with the exit command. For example:

$ escli --wallet /home/user/user.wallet
@> ls 
@> cd @MYDATA
@MYDATA/> ls -l
Total 5
  10.0M   05 Jan 12:59 x 
  19.5k   05 Jan 13:08 y 
   5.0k   05 Jan 13:09 z1 
  10.0M   05 Jan 13:23 z2 
  20.0G   05 Jan 13:14 z3 
@MYDATA/> exit

During an interactive session, ESCLI supports command auto-completion by using the <tab> key. When you press the <tab> key, ESCLI attempts to complete the current command token. If multiple possibilities exist, ESCLI provides a list of alternatives. For example:

@> lsc<tab>
lscell                    (List all cells in the cluster)
lscelldisk             (Lists cell disks in this cluster)
lscluster                      (List cluster information)
lscomputeserver (List all compute servers in the cluster)

Command auto-completion also works within a command to suggest or complete command options. For example:

@> lscluster --<tab>
--attributes                       (Lists the specified attributes)
--backup                              (List only backup attributes)
--count                       (Maximum number of results to report)
--detail                  (Lists all attributes in a detailed form)
--filter (Used to specify conditions for filtering the list output)
--sort     (Used to sort the output using the specified attributes)
--volume                              (List only volume attributes)