3.1.5 Store the URL for Exascale Cluster Services

If you want to use a wallet to access data files on Exascale storage directly, the wallet must contain the URL for Exascale cluster services (EGS).

This requirement does not apply if the wallet does not directly access data files on Exascale storage. For example, a wallet need not contain the URL for Exascale cluster services (EGS) if it is used only for Exascale administration operations through the ESCLI utility.

You must already have a wallet before you can store the URL for Exascale cluster services (EGS) in it.

The URL for Exascale cluster services (EGS) is contained in the exaRootUrl attribute associated with the Exascale cluster. You can also get the required value by copying the exaRootUrl value from another previously configured wallet.

To store the URL for Exascale cluster services (EGS) in your wallet, use the ESCLI chwallet command and specify:

  • The wallet location.
  • The URL for Exascale cluster services (EGS).

For example:

@> chwallet --wallet /home/user/user.wallet --attributes exaRootUrl="egs=egsexc4: egs=egsexc4: egs=egsexc4:"