1.2.8 Templates

During file creation, every file in Exascale is associated with attributes that govern how the file is stored and managed.

An Exascale template is a named collection of file storage attribute settings. For example:

mediaType: HC
redundancy: high
contentType: DATA

With templates, you can set file storage attributes automatically and consistently. When creating a file, Exascale automatically uses the template that matches the file type by default. For example, when Oracle Database creates a data file, the DATAFILE template is automatically used by default.

Note that templates only govern the assignment of file storage attributes when creating a file. You cannot change the file storage attributes after the file is created. Any change to a template applies only to files created after the change.

Within Exascale, templates are defined at two levels:

  • Cluster Templates are defined at the cluster level. A cluster template is used if no vault-level template exists to override it.

  • Vault Templates are defined at the vault level. A vault template defines vault-specific attributes that override the corresponding cluster template. For example, your cluster-level DATAFILE template may specify the use of HC media, but you may override that setting for a vault by having a vault-level DATAFILE template that specifies the use of EF media.

Additionally, User Templates are templates with user-specified names that do not correspond to a specific file type. User templates effectively override file-type templates. However, to use a user template, you must explicitly specify it during file creation. User templates can be defined at the cluster level or at the vault level. A vault-level user template will override a cluster-level user template having the same name.