7.2.15 touch

Create a file.


touch [{ -w | --wallet } wallet-location ] 
      [ -s num | --size=num ] 
      [ -t ftype | --type=ftype ] 
      [ -r { true | false } | --read-only={ true | false }] 
      [ -D | --debug ] filename

Command Options

The options for the touch command are:

  • filename: Specifies the file being created.

  • -w, --wallet: Optionally specifies the path to the Exascale wallet directory.

  • -s, --size: Optionally specifies the size of the file in bytes.

  • -t, --ftype: Optionally specifies the Oracle Database file type. The valid values are:

    • ctrl - control file
    • data - data file
    • olog - on-line log file
    • alog - archived log file
    • temp - temporary sort file
    • init - initialization parameter file
    • pswd - password file
    • flog - flashback log file
    • ctrk - change tracking file
  • -r, --read-only: Optionally specifies that the file is read-only. When set to true, the file contents and metadata cannot be modified.

  • -D, --debug: Optionally enables debug mode.


Example 7-16 Create an Exascale file

The following example creates a 1 gigabyte file at @DATA/myfile.

$ xsh touch --size=1048576 @DATA/myfile