5.1 Using Exascale Block Storage with EDV

This topic outlines the procedure for using Exascale block storage with Exascale Direct Volumes (EDV).

The Exascale block store provides capabilities to create and manage arbitrary-sized raw block volumes based on Exascale storage.

EDV is recommended for use-cases where clients want to use storage volumes inside the Exadata RDMA Network Fabric. For example:

  • You can use EDV to support Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (ACFS) or local Linux file systems (such as XFS, EXT4, and so on) on the Exadata compute nodes.

  • You can use EDV raw devices to support earlier Oracle Database versions, not natively supported on Exascale. For example, you can create an Oracle ASM disk group based on EDV raw devices and use the disk group to contain the Oracle Database data files. Or, you can create a file system on an EDV volume and use it to contain the Oracle Database software and data files.

Before you can use Exascale block storage with EDV, note the following:

  • The block store manager (BSM) and block store worker (BSW) services must be running in the Exascale cluster.

  • The Exascale Direct Volume (EDV) service must be running on each Exadata compute node that you want to host an EDV attachment. If you are planning to use a cluster-wide attachment, then the EDV service must be running on every node in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) cluster.

To begin, you can create an Exascale block volume and EDV attachment.

For example:

@>mkvault myvault
Vault @myvault created.

@>mkvolume 1g --attributes name=edv1 --vault myvault
Created volume with id 2:72ebb8a56fba4e97b4716c25981702cb

@>lsvolume 2:72ebb8a56fba4e97b4716c25981702cb --detail
id                                   2:72ebb8a56fba4e97b4716c25981702cb
name                                 edv1
blockSizeIOPS                        8192
contentType                          DATA
creationTime                         2023-10-16T04:46:07+00:00
filePath                             @myvault/vol.5ceabbae36d04e31bc79f9c34658c22e
mediaType                            HC
numAttachments                       0
iopsProvisioned                      unlimited
bandwidthProvisioned                 unlimited
redundancyType                       none
size                                 1G
state                                AVAILABLE
user                                 exa01
vault                                @myvault
vipId                                111:02ae5dee-55a6-4dab-beb6-69a1b5525d60

@>lsinitiator --detail
id                                   e7e0db8c-9a2a-0279-e7e0-db8c9a2a0279
giClusterId                          deadbeef-badc-0fee-dead-beefbadc0fee
giClusterName                        edvTestCluster
hostName                             exa01
lastHeartbeat                        2023-10-16T04:45:33+00:00
registerTime                         2023-10-16T04:41:18+00:00
state                                ONLINE

@>mkvolumeattachment 2:72ebb8a56fba4e97b4716c25981702cb myedv1 --attributes giClusterId=deadbeef-badc-0fee-dead-beefbadc0fee
Created edv attachment with id 1:cc9435ab951a49119dbb7e249a0b0219

@>lsvolumeattachment 1:cc9435ab951a49119dbb7e249a0b0219 --detail
id                                   1:cc9435ab951a49119dbb7e249a0b0219
attachTime                           2023-10-16T04:47:41+00:00
kernelDeviceName                     exc-dev1
deviceName                           myedv1
devicePath                           /dev/exc/myedv1
giClusterId                          deadbeef-badc-0fee-dead-beefbadc0fee
giClusterName                        edvTestCluster
logicalSectorSize                    512
volume                               2:72ebb8a56fba4e97b4716c25981702cb


The EDV attachment creates an association between the volume and an EDV device file, which resides on the Exadata compute nodes hosting the attachment. A node hosting an EDV attachment is also known as an EDV initiator.

If you create a cluster-wide attachment to support a cluster file system such as ACFS, then the EDV device file is created on every node in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) cluster. If you create a node-specific attachment, then the corresponding EDV device is only created on that node.

In the example, the EDV attachment is a cluster-wide attachment, and the EDV device name is myedv1, so the corresponding device file is located at /dev/exc/myedv1 on each cluster node. The volume identifier (2:72ebb8a56fba4e97b4716c25981702cb) was reported to the user during volume creation. Volume identifiers can also be discovered using the ESCLI lsvolume command. The GI cluster identifier (deadbeef-badc-0fee-dead-beefbadc0fee) was found by using the ESCLI lsinitiator command.

Alternatively, for a node-specific attachment you must specify the node-specific EDV initiator identifier instead of the GI cluster identifier. For example:

@>lsinitiator --detail
id                                   e7e0db8c-9a2a-0279-e7e0-db8c9a2a0279
giClusterId                          deadbeef-badc-0fee-dead-beefbadc0fee
giClusterName                        edvTestCluster
hostName                             exa01
lastHeartbeat                        2023-10-16T04:45:33+00:00
registerTime                         2023-10-16T04:41:18+00:00
state                                ONLINE

@>mkvolumeattachment 2:72ebb8a56fba4e97b4716c25981702cb myedv1 --attributes initiator=e7e0db8c-9a2a-0279-e7e0-db8c9a2a0279
Created edv attachment with id 1:50e52177583f4be4bad68ac20b65001e

@>lsvolumeattachment 1:50e52177583f4be4bad68ac20b65001e --detail
id                                   1:50e52177583f4be4bad68ac20b65001e
attachTime                           2023-10-16T04:47:41+00:00
kernelDeviceName                     exc-dev1
deviceName                           myedv1
devicePath                           /dev/exc/myedv1
hostName                             exa01
initiator                            e7e0db8c-9a2a-0279-e7e0-db8c9a2a0279
logicalSectorSize                    512
volume                               2:72ebb8a56fba4e97b4716c25981702cb


After attachment, the EDV device can be used on the Exadata compute node or GI cluster hosting the attachment.

For example, you could use the following command sequence to create and mount an ACFS file system using the EDV device defined in the previous examples (/dev/exc/myedv1):

# # Confirmation of the EDV device at /dev/exc/myedv1.
# lsblk /dev/exc/myedv1
exc-dev1   251:1    0   1G  0 disk
# # Note the default ownership and permissions for the EDV device.
# ls -l /dev/exc/myedv1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 251, 1 Oct  6 17:41 /dev/exc/myedv1
# # Now use the device to support ACFS.
# mkfs -t acfs /dev/exc/myedv1
mkfs.acfs: version                   =
mkfs.acfs: ACFS compatibility        =
mkfs.acfs: on-disk version           = 53.0
mkfs.acfs: volume                    = /dev/exc/myedv1
mkfs.acfs: volume size               = 1073741824  (   1.00 GB )
mkfs.acfs: file system size          = 1073741824  (   1.00 GB )
mkfs.acfs: Format complete.
# mkdir /mnt/myedv1
# mount /dev/exc/myedv1 /mnt/myedv1
# df /mnt/myedv1
Filesystem      1K-blocks   Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/exc/myedv1   1048576 318436    730140  31% /mnt/myedv1
# # Mount the file system on other cluster nodes as required.


  • Each EDV attachment also has a kernel device file at /dev/exc-devN, where N is the minor number of the device. The kernel device name is contained as an attribute of the EDV attachment and is visible using the ESCLI lsvolumeattachment command. The relationship between the kernel device file and the user-named device file (under /dev/exc/) is also recorded in the udev database and is visible using the following Linux command:

    # udevadm info device-file

    For the device-file value, you can specify either the kernel device file (/dev/exc-devN) or the user-named device file (under /dev/exc/).

  • By default, read and write access to EDV device files is only available to the root operating system user and members of the disk group. Depending on your use case, you may need to modify the permissions on the EDV device files before using them.

    For example, to make the EDV device file at /dev/exc/myvol readable and writable by the oracle user and asmdba group, you could configure it using a udev rule similar to the following:

    # cat /etc/udev/rules.d/57-edv-user.rules
    KERNEL=="exc-*", ENV{EXC_ALIAS}=="myvol", OWNER="oracle", GROUP="asmdba", MODE="0660"
  • To facilitate the management of udev rules related to EDV devices, EDV client systems are configured with a template udev rules file at /etc/udev/rules.d/57-edv-user.rules, which you can modify to fulfill your requirements. To maintain existing udev rules, /etc/udev/rules.d/57-edv-user.rules is preserved whenever the EDV client software is updated.

An ACFS file system on EDV can also be exported to clients outside the Exadata RDMA Network Fabric by using ACFS HANFS. For more information about ACFS, see Oracle Advanced Cluster File System Administrator's Guide.

EDV devices can also be used as raw devices or in conjunction with other Linux file systems, such as XFS, EXT4, and so on.