The V$EXA_FILE view contains information about Oracle Database files stored in Exascale.

Table A-1 V$EXA_FILE Columns and Descriptions

Column Datatype Description
FULL_PATH VARCHAR2(1024) Full file path, including the vault name and file path inside the vault.
VAULT_NAME VARCHAR2(256) Name of the Exascale vault containing the file.
FILE_NAME VARCHAR2(1024) File path inside the vault.

File redundancy setting. Possible values are:

  • normal: Indicates 2 mirrored copies of the file data.
  • high: Indicates 3 mirrored copies of the file data.

File content type. Possible values are:

  • DATA
  • RECO

Storage media type used by the file. The supported media types are:

  • HC: Identifies high capacity storage media, which uses hard disk drives (HDDs).
  • EF: Identifies extreme flash storage media, which uses flash devices.
CREATE_TIME DATE File creation time.
FILE_TYPE VARCHAR2(30) Oracle Database file type.
SIZE_IN_BYTES NUMBER File size in bytes.
SPACE_USED NUMBER Storage space used by the file.
USED_BY VARCHAR2(64) Identifies the Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster or Oracle Database associated with the file.
CON_ID NUMBER Oracle Database container ID.