Alert Summary Attributes

Configuring Alert Summaries

  • The alertSummaryInterval attribute sets the frequency of the open alerts summary e-mail message. The open alerts e-mail message is an HTML document that provides a concise summary of all open issues on a cell even without access to the cell. Valid options are daily, weekly, biweekly and none.The default value is weekly.

  • The alertSummaryStartTime attribute sets the delivery time for the open alerts summary e-mail message. The command accepts any valid time stamp.

Example 7-19 Setting the Frequency for the Open Alerts Summary E-mail Message

This example shows how to set the frequency for the open alerts summary e-mail message to weekly.

CellCLI> ALTER CELL alertSummaryInterval=weekly

Example 7-20 Setting the Time for Open Alerts Message Delivery

This example shows how to set the delivery time for the open alerts summary e-mail message.

CellCLI> ALTER CELL alertSummaryStartTime="2013-04-23T12:57:00-06:00"